POV-Ray is in need of major changes on the Macintosh side, and I would like your feedback before I take any action that may leave any users behind. After you have had a chance to play with POV-Ray and read the documentation (usually done in that order), please read the following questions below. Answer each one, then mail your answers back to me (e-mail or US Mail.) You don't need to include the questions with your responses, you may simply type your answers, referring to the question # to save space. I will use your responses to prepare the next version of POV-Ray. It is important for you to tell me how you are using POV-Ray, because if I don't hear from you, changes could be made to the program that may make it not run on your system next time around. Or, you may be anxiously wanting some feature to be added... tell me so I can get it in. Your feedback is loudly encouraged!